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Tax Questions and Answers

The main purpose of our newsletters is to provide useful tax-saving information and strategies which can be put in place. Sometimes you need a little bit of help as to how to apply that strategy to your own scenario. Every month in our newsletters we take the time to answer your burning tax questions. 

Title Date Tax Newsletter
Date Tax Newsletter
Moving from a car allowance to a company car: What are the tax benefits? March 2024 Business Tax Insider
Moving from a car allowance to a company car: What are the tax benefits?
March 2024 Business Tax Insider
What is the tax position around renting a holiday property to a limited company? March 2024 Business Tax Insider
What is the tax position around renting a holiday property to a limited company?
March 2024 Business Tax Insider
Can a pension fund invest in a commercial property? March 2024 Business Tax Insider
Can a pension fund invest in a commercial property?
March 2024 Business Tax Insider
Transfer of property interest to spouse: Principal private residence relief March 2024 Property Tax Insider
Transfer of property interest to spouse: Principal private residence relief
March 2024 Property Tax Insider
Working abroad: Am I eligible for principal private residence relief? February 2024 Property Tax Insider
Working abroad: Am I eligible for principal private residence relief?
February 2024 Property Tax Insider
Main property in family protection trust and buying a second holiday home: SDLT issues? February 2024 Tax Insider
Main property in family protection trust and buying a second holiday home: SDLT issues?
February 2024 Tax Insider
Can an allowable loss be used to reduce capital gains tax? February 2024 Tax Insider
Can an allowable loss be used to reduce capital gains tax?
February 2024 Tax Insider
What services and costs are eligible for the reduced rate of 5%? February 2024 Tax Insider
What services and costs are eligible for the reduced rate of 5%?
February 2024 Tax Insider
Does income from selling on eBay need to be declared to HMRC? February 2024 Tax Insider
Does income from selling on eBay need to be declared to HMRC?
February 2024 Tax Insider
Boiler change – Can this be an improvement for CGT purposes? February 2024 Property Tax Insider
Boiler change – Can this be an improvement for CGT purposes?
February 2024 Property Tax Insider