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Tax Questions and Answers

The main purpose of our newsletters is to provide useful tax-saving information and strategies which can be put in place. Sometimes you need a little bit of help as to how to apply that strategy to your own scenario. Every month in our newsletters we take the time to answer your burning tax questions. 

Title Date Tax Newsletter
Date Tax Newsletter
Can a director's loan be written off against losses or converted to shares? October 2023 Business Tax Insider
Can a director's loan be written off against losses or converted to shares?
October 2023 Business Tax Insider
Can I claim car repairs through my company as a business expense? October 2023 Business Tax Insider
Can I claim car repairs through my company as a business expense?
October 2023 Business Tax Insider
Can I reclaim the VAT if I change my van into a camper van? September 2023 Tax Insider
Can I reclaim the VAT if I change my van into a camper van?
September 2023 Tax Insider
What base figure is used to calculate the CGT on selling a gifted property? September 2023 Tax Insider
What base figure is used to calculate the CGT on selling a gifted property?
September 2023 Tax Insider
Will I pay more tax by receiving a bonus or by purchasing services through my employer's company? September 2023 Tax Insider
Will I pay more tax by receiving a bonus or by purchasing services through my employer's company?
September 2023 Tax Insider
Adding my son as a third joint tenant on my investment properties September 2023 Tax Insider
Adding my son as a third joint tenant on my investment properties
September 2023 Tax Insider
Can rental income be split other than 50:50 to maximise our tax allowances? September 2023 Property Tax Insider
Can rental income be split other than 50:50 to maximise our tax allowances?
September 2023 Property Tax Insider
Are there tax implications if I gift my share of a property to a sibling? September 2023 Property Tax Insider
Are there tax implications if I gift my share of a property to a sibling?
September 2023 Property Tax Insider
Can the roof replacement costs be offset as capital expenditure? September 2023 Property Tax Insider
Can the roof replacement costs be offset as capital expenditure?
September 2023 Property Tax Insider
Will my wife be subject to IHT on our property abroad in the event of my death? August 2023 Tax Insider
Will my wife be subject to IHT on our property abroad in the event of my death?
August 2023 Tax Insider