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When is a ‘partnership’ not a partnership'

Shared from Tax Insider: When is a ‘partnership’ not a partnership'
By Ken Moody CTA, July 2023

Ken Moody considers the sometimes vexed question of whether an activity carried on by two or more persons amounts to a partnership, with special reference to property letting. 

Partnership Act 1890, s 1 defines 'partnership’ as:  

“ … the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit.” 

It goes on to note at section 2 that joint letting of property does not ‘of itself create a partnership’.  

Is there a ‘business’? 

The first point, therefore, is that for a partnership to exist there must be a business. This is not the same question as whether an activity amounts to trading. ‘Business’ is a wider description than ‘trade’.  

The distinction is relevant to the availability of certain capital gains tax

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