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Tax Questions and Answers

The main purpose of our newsletters is to provide useful tax-saving information and strategies which can be put in place. Sometimes you need a little bit of help as to how to apply that strategy to your own scenario. Every month in our newsletters we take the time to answer your burning tax questions. 

Title Date Tax Newsletter
Date Tax Newsletter
Can I Continue to Claim Overseas Property Losses? September 2011 Tax Insider
Can I Continue to Claim Overseas Property Losses?
September 2011 Tax Insider
Will I Pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on Gifted Flat? September 2011 Property Tax Insider
Will I Pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on Gifted Flat?
September 2011 Property Tax Insider
Do I Pay Tax on Rent Received from Family? September 2011 Property Tax Insider
Do I Pay Tax on Rent Received from Family?
September 2011 Property Tax Insider
How Do I Account for Rent in Advance? September 2011 Property Tax Insider
How Do I Account for Rent in Advance?
September 2011 Property Tax Insider
What Tax Will My Father Pay on Property Gifted to My Mother? September 2011 Property Tax Insider
What Tax Will My Father Pay on Property Gifted to My Mother?
September 2011 Property Tax Insider
Is Tax Due on Buying and Selling Foreign Exchange? September 2011 Tax Insider
Is Tax Due on Buying and Selling Foreign Exchange?
September 2011 Tax Insider
Do I Have to Pay UK Tax Even Though I Live on the Isle of Man? September 2011 Tax Insider
Do I Have to Pay UK Tax Even Though I Live on the Isle of Man?
September 2011 Tax Insider
Are Lease Extension Fees Allowable? September 2011 Business Tax Insider
Are Lease Extension Fees Allowable?
September 2011 Business Tax Insider
Can a UK Company Purchase an Italian Property? September 2011 Business Tax Insider
Can a UK Company Purchase an Italian Property?
September 2011 Business Tax Insider
Am I Still Liable for Capital Gains Tax or Will I Be Treated Like a Property Trader Who Pays No Capital Gains? August 2010 Business Tax Insider
Am I Still Liable for Capital Gains Tax or Will I Be Treated Like a Property Trader Who Pays No Capital Gains?
August 2010 Business Tax Insider