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Passing Down The Property Portfolio



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20% Early Bird Discount Live Now : Report releases on the 17th of February

Passing Down The Property Portfolio

As property portfolio sizes continue to grow for many landlords, a question that has become more and more pressing in recent years, is how do landlords pass their portfolio down to loved ones in the most tax efficient manner?

The special report is intended to help readers understand the main problems facing landlords as property investors from an IHT perspective, and how to deal with those problems efficiently if they hope to pass their property wealth down to following generations, relatively unscathed. 

This guide covers:

  • The landlord’s dilemma
  • The main principles of inheritance tax
  • Seven-year rule and tapering
  • Inheritance from the beneficiary’s perspective – CGT-free uplift on death
  • IHT and main tools available to the taxpayer
  • Traps when negotiating the IHT regime
  • Possible IHT planning opportunities for Property Investors
  • Taking on debt / Equity release
  • Giving property away but keeping the rental income
  • Using trusts as stepping stones to postpone CGT on lifetime gifts
  • Reversionary interests
  • Last resort - Pay the tax … slowly
  • Plus more...

Who will benefit from the 'Passing Down The Property Portfolio' report?

This report will benefit all property investors who want to pass their portfolios down to the following generations in a tax-efficient manner.

This is also a very popular property tax report with accountants and tax professionals too.